Thursday, Jan. 11, 2007

What's Next

A New U.N. Envoy Bush nominates Iraq ambassador

President Bush tapped Zalmay Khalilzad, right, to be the U.S. envoy to the U.N. and diplomat Ryan Crocker to fill his Iraq ambassadorial post. The Senate must confirm both nominations.

Hope for Stem Cells New findings as Congress votes

Scientists have announced a new source of stem cells that can be harvested without destroying the embryo--just as Congress prepares to vote on the controversial issue in the coming weeks.

A Solution to DUI? Anti-drunk-driving system by '09

If you've been drinking, a car will soon take away your keys. Toyota is developing steering-wheel sweat sensors that will detect a driver's blood-alcohol level, then disable the car if necessary.

Doggie Diet Drug Pfizer liquid drug attacks Lab flab

The FDA approved the first diet drug for the more than 3 million obese dogs in the U.S. Available this spring, Slentrol reduces the amount of fat Fido can absorb and makes him feel full.

Irwin's Last Film Ocean's Deadliest set to be aired

The final documentary from "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin will be broadcast on Jan. 21 on the Discovery Channel--without the footage from the day he was killed by a stingray's barb.