Thursday, Feb. 01, 2007


By Rebecca Winters Keegan


TYRA BANKS weighs two-thirds of a Dr. Phil. We know this because the host of America's Next Top Model announced what she weighs, 161 lbs., on the cover of PEOPLE, CNN's Larry King Live and her eponymous syndicated talk show. She put out the all-points bulletin about her weight after tabloid magazines and newspapers ran photos of her in a bathing suit beneath such headlines as AMERICA'S NEXT TOP WADDLE and TYRA PORK CHOP. The former SPORTS ILLUSTRATED swimsuit-issue cover girl, who says she has gained about 30 lbs. since quitting modeling, fought back with a barrage of interviews in which she proclaimed how great she felt about herself. "So many young girls are looking at that," says Banks. "I need to let them know that's not ugly." Boys, meanwhile, can pretty much figure it out for themselves.


Harry Potter has buff abs! Oh, and his acting career is maturing too. DANIEL RADCLIFFE, 17, everyone's favorite boy wizard, cast a different sort of spell when he posed for a series of risque promotional photos for his stage debut, a revival of Equus, opening in London Feb. 16. The photos, the most chaste of which is shown here, were passed around the Internet like a quaffle around a Quidditch pitch. (Radcliffe's role as an unstable stable boy calls for him to be nude onstage.) He also guest-stars as a comically bad-with-girls version of himself on the new season of Ricky Gervais' series Extras. What magic puberty hath wrought.


Woody Harrelson took a break from filming Transsiberian in Lithuania to talk about Nanking, a documentary about Japan's 1937 invasion of China

When I hear "documentary about the rape of Nanking," I can't say the name Woody Harrelson immediately springs to mind.

It is an odd pairing, I guess. The director sent it to me. I care about these things. In the States, nobody really knows about this horrific event. When I first saw the letters my character sent to his family, I was completely moved.

You read the letters of a U.S. doctor who stayed in Nanking during the invasion. Is that what you would have done?

That's a kind of heroism I can't really fathom. I would have been on the first plane out.

How do you maintain your all-organic diet in Vilnius, Lithuania?

Vilnius is a really cool, cultural city. But the restaurants aren't catering to vegans. I'm 90% raw. I bring someone with me who does my cooking.

You're there making a movie about riding the Trans-Siberian railway?

Yeah, I play one of those guys who has elaborate train sets, is always reading train books, knowing what's the coolest locomotive. I used to always walk on the train tracks as a kid. It probably helped my balance.

Owen Wilson told me you're writing a script together. So, which one of you is the whip cracker?

Neither. We wrote about three sentences. It's just so much fun hanging out with Owen, it's hard to get down to business. I like to bring in the other Bickerson brothers, too. That's what I call the Wilson brothers. I consider myself one of them.

Do you bicker with them too?

When winning is at stake. We play bocce, croquet. You can't believe how serious a wonderful lawn game can become when you play it with the Wilson brothers.


Clearly JANE FONDA knows what to wear to an antiwar rally: shaggy bangs, a smart turtleneck and a look of steely determination. In what she said was her first such protest in 34 years, the actress joined marchers in Washington to demand that U.S. troops leave Iraq. "Silence is no longer an option," Fonda said to cheers from the crowd. Dubbed Hanoi Jane by conservatives for her stance on Vietnam (that's her in 1970, left, in Valley Forge, Pa.), Fonda said she had restrained her Iraq activism so as not to be a distraction for the contemporary antiwar movement but finally felt the need to speak out. The march was also attended by such lefty stalwarts as Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and Sean Penn--as well as tens of thousands of people who have never been in a movie.