Thursday, Jul. 12, 2007


'I would give her a run for her money.'

CINDY SHEEHAN, former figurehead of the antiwar movement, on her threat to run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unless the Congresswoman files articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush by July 23

'I'm Prince Tomohito, the alcoholic.'

PRINCE TOMOHITO, cousin of Japanese Emperor Akihito, confirming his struggle with alcoholism in an unprecedented royal disclosure

' The intent to attack us remains as strong as it was on Sept. 10, 2001.'

MICHAEL CHERTOFF, Homeland Security Secretary, on his "gut feeling" that terrorists could strike the U.S. this summer

'The nation's doctor has been marginalized ... with supervisors who are political appointees with partisan agendas.'

RICHARD CARMONA, former Surgeon General, at right, accusing the White House of censoring him and science

'It's damaging, and it's really tacky. And I would be so embarrassed to be one of these petty, behind-the-scenes operators who get some kind of charge out of trashing someone.'

KATIE COURIC, CBS Evening News anchor, on fellow staffers at CBS who have taken anonymous potshots at her in the press

'I don't believe that the details of my personal life are relevant to my job as mayor.'

ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA, Los Angeles mayor, admitting to an illicit affair with Spanish-language TV reporter Mirthala Salinas

Sources: AP (2); Chicago Tribune; AP; New York magazine; AP