Vol. 170 No. 21
What Hillary Stands For
(The Well / Cover Story)
Her opponents say she tries to have it both ways. Pundits charge that she's slippery. Joe Klein sits down with the New York Senator to hear her side
The World of Hillary Hatred
(The Well / Nation)
Conservatives hate her for being liberal. If she deviates from that playbook, they think she's phony. That's why Clinton is stuck in a trap of acrimony
The Lightning Rod
(Cover Story)
Some Democratic candidates worry about Clinton at the top of their ticket
Pakistan's State of Emergency
Pervez Musharraf infuriates his people and embarrasses Washington by cracking down on democracy. Will that help him fight the war on terrorism? Probably not
The Contender
(The Well / World)
blundering oaf. But Jacob Zuma could yet be President
With Friends like These.
(Life: Living - Society - Law - History - Environment / History)
What years of Franco-American relations can teach the U.S. about getting along with Turkey
Postcard: Katonah
(Postcard: Katonah)
Martha Stewart and her company tried to trademark the name of a New York hamlet. They picked the wrong place to mess with. One community's fight over its good name
Sony Plans Online Game Studio in India
Sony Online Entertainment LLC plans to develop online games in India, with local content and a local partner, in hopes of setting up a studio in early 2008
The Real Health Care Radicals
The Republicans have quietly devised a plan for reforming health care that makes the Democrats look conservative
Indecent Exposure
What is it? Westerners have no problem with bare flesh on billboards but pray in private. Muslims keep quiet about sex but pray in public five times a day. How the two codes clash
Merry Hallowmas
When we let our holidays bunch up, they lose their special power
Assessing the Mess at Citi
(The Well / The Nation)
A CEO Prince is undone by a real one and a former mentor, leaving an ex-Treasury Secretary with a pile of rotten assets as a recession looms
Home Sweet Motor Home
(Life: Living - Society - Law - History - Environment / Living)
More Americans are taking up full-time residence in RVs, and the accomodations are more luxurious than ever
The Gender Conundrum.
(Life: Living - Society - Law - History - Environment / Society)
Should we artificially delay puberty for kids who don't identify with their biological sex?
Being Fair to Crack Dealers
(Life: Living - Society - Law - History - Environment / Law)
A federal agency takes aim at the disparity between crack and powder-cocaine sentencing
Need to Weed Your Roof?
(Life: Living - Society - Law - History - Environment / Going Green)
Goodbye to tar paper. The highest spots on city buildings are becoming the greenest
The Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
(The Well / Science)
A study suggests that the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs did not act alone
AIDS Wins This Round.
(The Well / Medicine)
A new vaccine fails but yields clues to how it might work next time
(Arts: Movies - Books - Tuned In - Downtime / Movies)
The director of some of the most revered movies in cinema history talks about why he wants to go back and start all over again
Will the Writers' Strike Solve Anything?
(Arts: Movies - Books - Tuned In - Downtime / Tuned In)
When writers and studios squabble over money, which side really wins? Possibly neither
(Arts: Movies - Books - Tuned In - Downtime / Downtime)
Person of the Year.
TIME asked prominent individuals, including former Persons of the Year, whom they would choose for 2007. The nominations are in
10 Questions for Tom Brokaw
He led NBC Nightly News and praised the Greatest Generation. Now he puts '60s society in the spotlight with his new book, Boom! Voices of the Sixties. Tom Brokaw will now take your questions
Norway's Power Play
(Global Business: Energy - Real Estate - Small Business - Education - Life At The Top / Energy)
Its two big oil companies merge to create an outfit designed to compete with BP and Exxon as well as Iran
The Human Barometer
(Global Business: Energy - Real Estate - Small Business - Education - Life At The Top / Front and Center)
Sam Zell timed the real estate market perfectly, but he's not out of the game
Succession Remedy
(Global Business: Energy - Real Estate - Small Business - Education - Life At The Top / Small Business)
Local pharmacists in Canada are passing their stores to the next generation, profitably
The M.B.A. Export Boom.
(Global Business: Energy - Real Estate - Small Business - Education - Life At The Top / Education)
China welcomed U.S. business schools. India needs them, but the door isn't wide open
Time to Hoard the Bubbly?
(Global Business: Energy - Real Estate - Small Business - Education - Life At The Top / Life At The Top)
Demand for champagne could outstrip France's capacity. One solution: England!
Business Books
(Global Business: Energy - Real Estate - Small Business - Education - Life At The Top)
One economist's proposal to overhaul health care, and why the candidates should pay attention. Plus: memoir of a Silicon Valley tycoon; Trump at it again
Oil's Silver Lining
(Briefing / The Moment)
The $100 barrel gives us another chance to change our ways
Pork in the Water
(Briefing / Washington Memo)
Mexico's Rapid Reaction
(Briefing / Word Spotlight)