Vol. 172 No. 2
The Seriously Funny Man
(The Well / Cover Story)
Mark Twain was our first great political wit and a dogged defender of racial equality. Jon Stewart, Barack Obama and the rest of America are in his debt
Mark Twain: Our Original Superstar
(Cover Story)
The celebrated writer skewered the powerful, mocked the pious and helped change America
Getting Past Black and White
(The Making Of America)
It took a writer as deft and daring as Twain to teach Americans some useful lessons about race
Man of The World
(The Well / The Making Of America)
In his lifetime, Twain was best known as a travel writer. Through five books, he narrated his journey from humorist to crusader
The Mark of Twain
America's first political funnyman continues to leave his indelible mark on our humor, our literature and our desire to attain racial equality
Candidates' Vices: Craps and Poker
(The Well / Campaign '08)
Obama learned the art of politics in backroom poker games. McCain bets thousands at the craps table. What the candidates' passions for gambling tell us about their presidential ambitions (hint: they both hate to lose)
The Supreme Court's Group Hug
After years of split decisions, America's highest court has found consensus on a range of issues. How John Roberts brought the Justices together
(The Well / Nation)
Pricey gas is mostly just economic pain. But beyond the agony at the pump, life is getting a little better in ways we may not notice
The Battle for Catholic Voters
(The Well / Campaign '08)
With the economy and Iraq topping voter concerns, abortion has receded into the political background. As a TIME poll shows, that has put the Catholic vote up for grabs
White House Memo
(The Well)
The Pentagon wants to step up the hunt, but Pakistan's new leaders are balking. Inside Bush's last battle
Giving Back to Veterans
(In The Arena)
Thousands of troops are coming home with mental-health injuries. It's the duty of all of us to help them
The Meaning of Summer Camp
It used to be about acquiring survival skills. Now it's the social skills that need work
Saving Zimbabwe
(The Well / Commentary)
Military force isn't the answer. But aggressive diplomacy can still remove Robert Mugabe
Pop Chart
The Skimmer
The Page
A Brief History Of: The Tour de France
The World
Sam Manekshaw
Nation Building.
(Briefing / The Moment: Ground Zero)
Why the lack of progress at ground zero should worry America
Clay Felker
Mopping Up the CO2 Deluge
To battle global warming, it's not enough to reduce emissions. We need to soak up what's already there
Does Osama bin Laden Still Matter?
As the quest for the al-Qaeda leader flounders, one of the few journalists to have met him argues he still poses a threat
Postcard: St. Louis
(Postcard: St. Louis)
With its iconic brewery the object of a takeover bid, the city contemplates life without one of its great institutions. Last call for Anheuser-Busch
Stem-Cell Therapy for Pets
(Health / Health)
Sorry, people. A new treatment for ailing joints is only for pooches (and cats and horses)
A Gourmet Family Meal for $10?
(Life / Food)
That, at least, is the goal as Joel Stein gets a top chef to try to feed a family of four on a recession budget
The Better Browser
(Life / User's Guide)
Firefox 3 is free--and well worth it
Famous Author's Guilty Pleasures
What do writers read when they don't want to work? We asked some big names from the literary world what they dip into for enjoyment; the answers are instructive, about both writers and pleasure. Enjoy
Lil Wayne: The Best Rapper Alive
How Lil Wayne gave away his songs and got paid back a million times over. Hint: he's good
Planet Hollywood Goes Green
(Tuned In)
A new cable channel uses stars to make environmentalism glamorous. Earth to celebs: It's not working
Will Smith, surly superhero; Willie Nelson, cheerful also-ran; and Beck
The Shack Of the Lord
(Literary Phenom)
10 Questions for Arianna Huffington
(10 Questions)
The Greek-born conservative turned liberal editor of the Huffington Post is helping change political coverage of the 2008 election. Arianna Huffington will now take your questions
Spice Girls.
(Global Business / Small Business)
With a fresh take on herbs, a pair of rookie entrepreneurs is stirring up the market for seasoning
Collaborative Contagion.
(Global Business / Small Business)
A Portland, Ore., software start-up helps states adapt open source to collect public-health data
Business Books
(Also In This Issue)
If you want to get rich, says magazine tycoon Felix Dennis, you can make a start by being poor, obsessed and a little bit of a jerk
China and Japan: The Green Connection
(Global Business / The G-8 Summit)
China wants clean technology; Japan has it to sell. On the eve of the G-8 summit, two traditional rivals have reasons to heal old wounds
Smarter Clothes
(Global Business / Textiles)
Europe wants to own the market for fabrics that can monitor you and your environment