
After almost 18 years of driving on ICE cars recently I bought an electric VW ID.6X and found just parking there consuming 3% electricity everyday. This means I will charge more than 1100% for daily leakage over the year, equal to ~900 KWh considering the 83.4 KWh capacity. Suppose I drive 20K Km per year, it will take 3300 KWh of electricity based on 6 Km/KWh efficiency excluding the 900 KWh waste, accounting for close to 1/5 of total cost.

Considering the same case for cell phone, how much energy will be wasted just due to electricity leak? Assuming 4 billion cell phones working over the globe, each leaks 10% of the electricity. For an averaged lithium ion battery of 3.7 v and 2500 mAh, this will add up to 1.3×10^13 Joule per day. An adult’s energy consumption per day is around 2k kilocalorie, equal to 8.4×10^6 Joule. So world energy waste by cell phones can support 1.5 million population!

Although it’s small compared to 2019 total world energy consumption: 1.6 exajoules (10^18) per day, preventing or improving the power leakage help ease the global warming. We are quickly moving to electric vehicle epic, billions of vehicle batteries will result in much bigger saving than cell phone, roughly 1000 times for 2 billion vehicles. Since the anti-leaking technology will be the same in nature, I believe soon some business will take the chance.

BTW: In terms of energy consumption, driving on gas annually requires 10^7 KCal (20K Km, 7L/100Km, and 7K KCal/Kg standard coal, 1.44 ratio with gasoline verse standard coal). Driving on electricity will need 1/3 of energy (4K KWh, 20KWh/100Km).