Vol. 125 No. 16
"We in the U.S. Are Suckers for Style"
American Notes Defense
No Nukes in Shanghai, Please
American Notes Earthquakes
Don't Sit Under the Old Oak Tree
American Notes Health
No Crying Over This Spilt Milk
American Notes
The Administration Doing the Cabinet Shuffle
American Notes The CIA
Protesting Campus Recruiting
Contras Aid for Kampuchea's rebels?
Battle for Hearts and Minds
The Sandinistas and CONTRAS vie for U.S. support
Jake Skywalker
A Senator boards the shuttle
Old Furies
The result of "awful advice"?
Same Verdict
Recanting to no avail
The Guys of Texas
Training Friends and Scaring Foes
Those are the real goals of the big U.S. maneuvers in Honduras
Up in the Air After Moscow's Gambit
The Administration does summit somersaults
Albania Stalin's Disciple
Enver Hoxha: 1908-1985
China Peking Rock
A dose of spiritual pollution
Drugs the Big Catch
Mexico nets El Pedrino
El Salvador Rebel Attack
A hamlet buries its dead
Pakistan "Dirty, Deadly Game"
Fears of a tougher Soviet line on Afghanistan
Sri Lanka the Tamil Tigers' Threat
Separatist guerrillas and the army gird for a showdown battle
Sudan a Joyful, Fragile Revival
After taking over, the new regime confronts a mountain of problems
World Notes Guatemala
Worries About a Coup
World Notes Lebanon
Milestone of Despair
World Notes South Africa
Cursing the Darkness
World Notes Soviet Union
A Question of Isms
World Notes Spain
Death At Dinnertime
Bullish About the Buck
Flying in Confusion
The Traveling Dollar
Millions go abroad on the greatest sight-seeing and shopping spree ever
Why Pricey Imports Stay That Way
In Texas: Spreading the Word
(American Scene)
The Fine Art of Catching Liars
A quick how-to course for those who are frequently deceived
Challenge to Hard Reporting
An appeals court ruling creates Malice in Wonderland
Abrupt Exit
Woman evangelist's goodbye
Sun Myung Moon's Goodwill Blitz
With its prophet imprisoned, a church steps up its propaganda
"Buy More Foreign Goods"
(Economy & Business)
Under fire from the U.S., Nakasone asks the Japanese to boost imports
Business Notes Employee Relations
(Economy & Business)
Du Pont's Retirement Rush
Business Notes Financial Services
(Economy & Business)
Big-City Bankers on the March
Business Notes Government
(Economy & Business)
Securities Braking the Freewheelers
Business Notes Taxes
(Economy & Business)
Moving in Slo-Mo At the Irs
Business Notes Telecommunications
(Economy & Business)
Will Phone Callers Speak Up?
The Great Takeover Debate
(Economy & Business)
Relentless merger wars raise many disturbing questions
Cracking the Sat Code
A new book blasts the leading college-entrance test
Kings of Catastrophe
A little-known Minneapolis firm gets the largest Bhopal suit
"I Go Back to Methuselah!"
(Show Business)
Rex Harrison opens on Broadway in a drawing room
Best Sellers
Cassette Guys Tokyo Woes
by Bruce Jay Friedman Fine; 187 pages; $14.95
Editor's Choice
In Search of Maxi-Audiences
Space Tries to Boost the Mini-Series Form Back into Orbit
Pride and Power Selections From George Eliot's Letters Edited by Gordon S. Haight Yale University; 567 pages; $25
Revenge of the Male Weepie Mask
Directed by Peter Bogdanovich; Screenplay by Anna Hamilton Phelan
Strike Up the Bandwagon We Are the World Raises Money, Spirits
and the Roof
Symbolist with Roller Skates
Francesco Clemente ranges unevenly from mystery to voyeurism
Uncle Gatsby in Connecticut the Prick of Noon
by Peter De Vries; Little, Brown; 233 pages; $14.95
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)