Vol. 127 No. 6
"the Tide Is Still Running"
Savoring power, conservatives look confidently to the future
A Nation Mourns
After three days of communal grieving, the Reagans join tearful survivors in a memorial to the seven CHALLENGER heroes
American Notes Agriculture
An Old Hand Gets a New Job
American Notes Athletes
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
American Notes California
Yet Another Spy Arrest
American Notes Investigations
Clearing Ferraro's Accounts
American Notes New York
Governor Kissinger?
"They Slipped the Surly Bonds of Earth to Touch the Face of God"
In 73 seconds, a new era in space travel explodes into a searing nightmare
Christa McAuliffe 1948-1986
Covering the Awful Unexpected
News organizations scrambled to catch up with the catastrophe
Ellison Onizuka 1946-1986
Francis Scobee 1939-1986
Gregory Jarvis 1944-1986
It Was Not the First Time
Astronauts--and cosmonauts--have died before
Judith Resnik 1949-1986
Looking for What Went Wrong
Nasa Begins an Arduous Search for Clues to the Disaster
Michael Smith 1945-1986
Pioneers in Love with the Frontier
God did not create the planets and stars with the intention that they should dominate man, but that they, like other creatures, should obey and serve him. --PARACELSUS, Concerning the Nature of
Ronald Mcnair 1950-1986
Seven Who Flew for All of Us
Diverse in race, sex and aspiration, they embodied the ideals of America
Gramm-Rudman Game of Chicken
As the budgetary buzz saw looms, Reagan and the Hill clash
Protecting the Family
A mob lawyer discusses his code of conduct
Putting the Future on Hold
The CHALLENGER explosion will set back the entire space program
Red Carpet for an African Rebel
Jonas Savimbi's U.S. visit rekindles controversy over Angola
The Passionate Prosecutor U.S.
Attorney Rudolph Giuliani snares mobsters and headlines
Haiti Bad Times for Baby Doc
As violent protests grow, a besieged dictator imposes martial law
Heard Any Good Rumors?
Politics a New Game in Oil Power
Some important producers may face turmoil as prices collapse
Portugal Squaring Off for Round 2
A clear battle begins between left and right
South Africa Apartheid with a Smiling Face
Botha makes a surprising, but improbable proposal
Uganda Changing of the Guard in Kampala
A new leader promises to end the nation's long nightmare
World Notes Britain
More Cheers Than Jeers
World Notes Ethiopia
Resettlement's Heavy Toll
World Notes Middle East
Attack From the East Bank
World Notes Philippines
Election Exit Lines
World Notes Wales
Changes At Llanfairpwllgw . . .
The Little Spacecraft That Could
Voyager 2 brings cheer during NASA's worst week
Filtering Out Killer Cholesterol
A new technique offers hope for some heart patients
Working Out in a Personal Gym
(Health & Fitness)
Exercise buffs are creating a boom in home equipment
Hut, Two, Three, Four
Ski trekkies discover the pleasures of overnight touring
Some Stirrings on the Mainland
Sex rears its head in China, but ever so cautiously
After the Game, the News
A low moment for high players, and an old coach moves on
The (Digitized) Eye of the Beholder
Computer video systems sell everything from blusher to nose jobs
A Gusher of Gloom in the Oil Patch
(Economy & Business)
Falling prices bring new trouble to a beleaguered U.S. industry
Business Notes Advertising
(Economy & Business)
The Trial of 2017 A.d.
Business Notes Finance
(Economy & Business)
Yankee Bulls in Tokyo
Business Notes Food
(Economy & Business)
Operation Frosted Flakes
Business Notes Taxes
(Economy & Business)
Downtime At the Irs
Business Notes Toys
(Economy & Business)
Intensive Care for a Talking Bear
Public Service, Private Profits
(Economy & Business)
To save money, governments are turning many tasks over to companies
The Excel Has Landed a $4,995 Car Could Be the Latest
(Economy & Business)
South Korean success story
Energy in Black and White
In Cincinnati, a retrospective of Franz Kline
Of Cabbageheads and Kingfish Power
Directed by Sidney Lumet; Screenplay by David Himmelstein HUEY LONG Directed by Ken Burns; Written by Geoffrey C. Ward
Repressions of a New Day the Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood; Houghton Mifflin; 311 pages; $16.95
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)