Vol. 136 No. 22
Nothing to Cheer
The biggest casualty of the midterm election may be George Bush
Election Notes Alaska
Mowing the Grass
Election Notes Arizona
The Cost of Snubbing King
Election Notes Boundaries
Cutting Loose
Election Notes Connecticut
Across the Color Line
Election Notes District of Columbia
Bye-Bye, Barry
Election Notes Florida
A Blow to The N.R.A.
Election Notes Texas
New Kid on The Bench
Election Notes Vermont
A Socialist in The House
Enough Already!
Handicapping the War
Keep The Bums In
Frustrated voters send an angry message: no to politics-as-usual. But a stacked system protects incumbents so well that nearly all of them will be back.
Kurds on The Way
Portrait of A Man Staying Put
Propositions Green Ballots vs. Greenbacks
By turning down ecological measures, cost-conscious voters made Election Day an environmental disaster
Saddam's Stately Pleasure Dome
Senators: North Carolina, Minnesota
Boschwitz Botches It He loses to a professor who will "be in Helms' face"
Senators: North Carolina, Minnesota
Race-Baiting Wins Again Helms wins a fourth term by exploiting white anxieties
The Devil Made Them Do It
The Envelope, Please
The Political Interest
Downsizing the Giants
Avoiding The Issue
Burma A People Under Siege
The generals crack down, but neither opponents at home nor critics abroad seem able to do anything about it
Mexico In a Hurry or Running Scared?
Salinas is modernizing Mexico's economy, but he is not nearly as far along in reforming the country's antiquated political system
Middle East Where Hatred Begets Hatred
Even in death, Meir Kahane makes Israel an angrier place
Poland Electrician vs. Intellectual
As the sweet-talking Walesa challenges a diffident Mazowiecki for the presidency, the rifts within Solidarity grow deeper
Raising The Ante
In nearly doubling the number of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, Bush acknowledges a paradox: to avoid war, one must be prepared to fight a war
The Big Bill
The Man Behind the Mask
A President who expects -- and gets -- results
World Notes INDIA
Singh Fails the Test
World Notes IRELAND
Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson
World Notes ITALY
A Double-Edged Sword
World Notes JAPAN
The People Say No
World Notes NEPAL
Royal Seal of Approval
I'm Working Late Tonight, Dear
And other clues to infidelity, aired in the ratings sweep
San Diego, California Hatred, Fear and Vigilance
(American Scene)
A flood of illegal Mexican immigrants fuels a wave of nativism and a tense face-off on the Tijuana border
Fortune to The Brave and Canny
Rupert Murdoch's latest coup underlines his bias toward video
Strains On the Heart
U.S. black churches battle apathy and threats to their relevance but also revel in renewal
Beauty, Truth and Hitchcock
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136, No. 22 NOVEMBER 19, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 136, No. 22 NOVEMBER 19, 1990
Bonfire of The Business Suits
An old-fashioned American icon gets a makeover
Business Notes ADVERTISING
Taking 'Em For a Ride
Bands Across The Water
In the End, a Friend Indeed
Business Notes RESORTS
There's No Biz Like Snow Biz
A Plain White Wrapper
Carry That Weight
Laden with debt from the merger-manic 1980s, American companies struggle to lighten their loads as the rough weather of a recession begins to rock them
Frozen In Midstream
Iraq may be suffering from the gulf crisis, but so are its former trading partners in Europe, Asia and the U.S.
Rounding Up Those Personal Loans
Hangovers From A Party Line
Was Noriega's Sixth Amendment right to counsel violated?
Just Say Whoa
William Bennett says his job is done, but critics are skeptical
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Furry Fun
Goodbye to The Mass Audience
In a fall of failure, the networks struggle to learn a new, more competitive game
In Search of a Healing Magic
Return of The Swashbuckler
Royal Family
Small-Screen View of a Titan
Still Thriving on Home Turf
(Show Business)
Prince is not only on the Minneapolis scene, he is the scene
Sucker Play
A Hero's Footnotes of Clay
Evidence surfaces of plagiarism by Martin Luther King
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
What's Really Fair