Vol. 140 No. 13


Europe's Currency (Cover Stories)
Rumpus and Economic Slump Have Got the Community's Fractious Partners . . . on Each Other's Nerves

Neither Bush nor Clinton is confronting the hard numbers, but at least each is proposing ... BABY STEPS (Cover Stories)

Perot: Dr. Feelbad and the Deficit (Cover Stories)

The Long Haul (Cover Stories)
If the recession is over, why does the pain linger? Because this is no normal recovery. Business is barely moving. And consumers have dug in their heels. But there's good news: if the U.S. gets to wor


Briefing Mr. Walsh Winds It Up (The Week: Nation)

Campaign Quiz (Grapevine)

Civil War in Germany? (Grapevine)

Countdown Mentality (U.S. Campaign)
Why Clinton's cautious team is focusing on how many days remain until the election

Domestic Disaster (The Week: Nation)

Gamesmanship To debate or not to debate? (The Week: Nation)
That depends on who asks the questions

Not Worth His Time (Grapevine)

Out of The Mouths of Babes (Grapevine)

Pander Meter (Grapevine)

Play It Again, Bill (Grapevine)

Revenge of The Angry Voter (The Week: Nation)
The latest primaries send home some more House incumbents

The Cover-Up Defense (The Week: Nation)
A country lawyer challenges the government in an Iraq-gate trial

Timing Is Everything (Grapevine)

Vox Pop (Grapevine)


Counterreformation (Former Soviet Bloc)
Across the old East bloc, die-hard communists, nationalists and spoiled workers are thwarting the drive toward free-market democracy

Distant Disaster (The Week World)

End of A Myth (The Week World)
Peruvian police capture the hemisphere's deadliest rebel movement

Et Cetera (The Week World)
Sushi Barred?

Europe's Common Crisis: Money (The Week World)
Under speculators' attack, the E.C. fails to hold its currencies together

Force Feeding (The Week World)
U.N. troops arrive in Somalia to make sure food aid reaches the starving

His Turn to Lose (Peru)
The capture of Abimael Guzman has decapitated the Shining Path revolution, but the world's most brutal guerrilla group vows to continue its bloody campaign

The Myth of Guzman (Peru)

The Week World (The Week World)


Ever Greater Serbia (The Balkans)
After Bosnia, Belgrade is likely to turn its guns on predominantly Albanian Kosovo, which could ignite a broader war


Alaska's Billion-Dollar Quandary (Environment)
A battle is raging over how best to spend the settlement money from the Exxon Valdez disaster

Beyond Pluto (Space)
Astronomers spy a faint icy body at the solar system's edge -- evidence of the breeding grounds of comets


Faulty Circuits (The Week Health & Science)
Bad brain wiring may underlie obsessive-compulsive disorder

The Glue of Life (Medicine)
By manipulating the adhesiveness of cells, scientists hope to stop the spread of cancer, cure arthritis and develop a new class of therapies


Big One for Big Mo? (The Week: Society)
The ground is stretching in Missouri: a big quake is just a matter of time

Doctors' Cure (The Week: Society)
A new health-care proposal from an influential physicians' group

Et Cetera (The Week: Society)
Born to Smoke

Et Cetera (The Week: Society)
No Deal

Et Cetera (The Week: Society)
Too Hasty on Hastings

No Silver Lining (The Week: Society)
Swiss greenhouses predict global warming may smother plants

Not-So-Little Leaguers Forfeit a Championship (The Week: Society)
A Filipino dream team becomes a nightmare for baseball fans

Portrait of a Space Rock (The Week: Society)

Price Of Neglect (The Week: Society)
A chicken king goes to prison for the death of two dozen workers


America Abroad
Iraq: It Could Be Even Worse

The Political Interest
Bush as Mr. Scrooge

Time Magazine Contents Page (Contents)
September 28, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 13

Time Magazine Masthead (Masthead)
September 28, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 13


America's Metternich (Reviews Books)

Game Shows Get Gamier (Reviews Television)

Matisse The Color of Genius (Art)
A sublime retrospective illuminates the mastery of a paladin of modernism

Return to A Lost World (Reviews Cinema)

Short Takes (Reviews)


A Gadfly in Glorious, Angry Exile (Profile)
Author, controversialist and now a rave-winning movie actor, Gore Vidal takes a bleak look at his country


From the Publisher (From The Publisher)


Memo to The Gods: Never Come Back