Vol. 166 No. 5
Living Under the Cloud
The atom bombs dropped over Japan ended a terrible war and persuaded the world never to use nuclear weapons again. Why that legacy is now in peril--and what we should do about it
The Men Who Dropped the Bombs
The U.S. servicemen aboard the planes that struck Hiroshima and Nagasaki knew that their missions would change the world. In their own words, four surviving crew members recount in gripping detail what they saw from above
Crossing the Moral Threshold
(Hiroshima / Viewpoint)
Why U.S. leaders never questioned the idea of dropping the Bomb
Life After Death
Rain of Fire
Aug. 6, 1945
When Gambling Becomes Obsessive
For millions, the thrill of the bet is as addictive as any drug. Scientists are beginning to figure out why--and what can be done to help
Mmm, Chocolate Bars
to meet
Terrorism in Egypt
Blasts hit the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh and kill dozens
London's Second Wave
Investigators launch a massive manhunt for the suspects in the second set of attacks
China's Currency
(Speed Read)
Speed Read: What does the change in Chinese policy mean for the U.S. and the world economy?
Are Police in Iraq Ready?
Concerns mount over the force soon charged with Iraq's primary combat role
It's All About the Shoes
The Northwestern lacrosse team flip-flop flap begs the question of footwear in the Bush Administration
It Takes a Village ... To Clean Up Video Games?
Judging Mr. Right
How Bush's brilliant yet modest conservative nominee for the Supreme Court pre-empted the expected battle. An inside look at the ascent of a judge who walked a careful path to the top
The Calm After the Storm
Why Washington canceled a showdown over the new Supreme Court nominee
Where He Stands
(The Roberts Record)
A look at John G. Roberts ideological stance on the major issues facing the Court and the nation
Serving Up a Conflict
Raucous volleyball games pit new immigrants against old neighbors in a New England town
Trading for a High
An inside look at a "pharming party," the newest venue for teenage prescription-drug abuse
A Symphony of Her Own
Marin Alsop breaks new ground in a world of male maestros--but not without a fight
Missing in Action
FX's daring new Iraq war drama is violent and provocative--but filled with cliched characters
To Be or Not to Be a Hero
Josh Lucas has what it takes to be a star--the moves, the roles and the baby blues. Remind you of anyone?
Sex, Sex and Rock 'n' Roll
They do it to music in 9 Songs, the first serious British film with hard-core footage, and lots of it
6 Shows Worth Their Salt
A taste of TV's top cooking programs
Bill's Crusade
Tech Talk
Young and Wireless
Doctor's Orders
Shocking News! Good-Looking Man Is Cad!
Q&A John Cusack
Dogs, John Cusack finds love online. In real life, he's still looking.
We're Pretty Sure That's Gonna Stain, Colin
The Fall of a Roman Scandal
10 Questions for Jeff Bezos
Read the story
My Roving Barcalounger
Our new minivan has so many extra gizmos you might forget you're driving